Hi! I'm Lisa,

I'm a Postdoc at EPFL doing research on human vision. Aside from science I'm interested in programming and playing music with my band. If you are interested in any of the cool projects I've been working on, scroll down or check out my blog. You can also find me all over the internet using the services below.

Clickable Projects...

Recently I...

Published a huge Eye Movement Data set!

DAEMONS (DAtaset of Eye Movement On Natural Scenes) is a huge set of images and associated eye traces. Find it here. I hope it will be useful!

Max 2024

I won an award for my thesis!

... the Potsdam young researcher award (Potsdamer Nachwuchswissenschafts-Preis). I am very honored!

November 2023

Started a new Job

... at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, in a collaboration project of Prof. Michael Herzog and Prof. Peter Neri.

November 2023

Built a simulator for an analog visual synthesizer

it's not useful, it's just pretty!

October 2023

Taught Programming Patterns, and Testing at ASPP 2023

in beautiful Crete.

September 2023

Took a 3 Month Sabatical

...recovering from my PhD, mostly in Mexico

July 2023

Taught Programming Patterns, and Testing at ASPP 2023 Latam

the first ever ASPP in Latin America, on the beautiful Campus of UNAM!

June 2023

Defended my PhD


June 2023

Presenting at the Vision Science Society Meeting VSS2023

First time showing some results from the new model, looking at the dynamics of fixational eye movement.

May 2023

Published my second paper!

The title is "A dynamical scan-path model for task-dependence during scene viewing". Find it through doi: 10.1037/rev0000379 or, with nicer formatting, on ArXiv.

October 2022

Was invited to give a talk at the Potsdam Data Assimilation Days

... for a Symposium on inverse problems.

September 2022

Attended SMLP

... the statistics summer school that keeps me up to date with all things Julia and LMMs.

September 2022

Taught Programming Patterns, Numpy, and Testing at ASPP 2022

in wonderful Bilbao, amongst great people and pinxos! Find the new lecture materials here here.

September 2022

Presented a poster at ECEM

the European Conference on Eye Movement in Leicester. My poster was all about our upcoming PsychReview publication (stay tuned).

August 2022

Taught a course for the Masters students at BCCN Berlin

about testing for three days.

July 2022

Presenting at the Vision Science Society Meeting VSS2022.

My talk is called "DeepGaze vs SceneWalk: what can DNNs and biological scan path models teach each other?" We have model trading cards!

May 2022

My band had our Album Release Concert!

The online release on Spotify and Bandcamp will be at the end of May!

April 2022

Spent 2 weeks at Max-Planck-Institut for biological Cybernetics Tübingen

... and worked on comparing biological/dynamical models and DNN's for predicting eye movements. Stay tuned for more results :)

October 2021

Taught Numpy and Testing at ASPP 2021

and had a great time in beautiful Bordeaux and traveling in France :). Find the materials here.

September 2021

Joined a Makerspace and

...learned how to use a Lasercutter for all kinds of cool projects.

April 2021

Made a LaTeX template for preregistration

... on Overleaf.

April 2021

Worked on a power estimation tutorial

... using the JULIA language. Changes may still happen, but heres a preview.

April 2021

Taught an online class on statistics

... at CODE University and learned a lot about the stats and about collaboration.

March 2021

Published my first paper

... in a real scientific journal and they even asked me to write an article for their blog. Uni Potsdam also liked it :)

December 2020

Participated in Hacktoberfest

... although it had a rocky start, I took it as an oportunity to contribute to some open github projects.

October 2020

Recorded some more tracks

...with my band. We even have Instagram now. Stay tuned for the release :)

. September 2020

Presented a Talk at virtual VSS2020

... I would have preferred to give the talk live, but this way it will live on the internet forever.

March 2019

Had a great time at a scikit-learn sprint

... in Berlin, organized by WiMLD

January 2020

Presented a Poster at CCN Conference

... in Berlin, about my eye movement modelling work. Check it out here and here!

September 2019

Helped organize ASPP 2019

... mainly by contributing to the framework for the final project and by organizing sprints. Students use it to write bots that compete at playing packman as the final project.

September 2019

Presented a Poster at VSS Conference

... in Florida about visual long term memory and scanpaths and the difficulties of conceptual replication. Poster!

May 2019

Had a Recording Session and Concert in Brazil

...listen to what we've been up to Soundcloud:

April 2019

Enjoyed a 2 Month Sabatical

...in South America, where there was an abundance of adorable Alpacas.

March 2019

Organized a python workshop

in the context of my graduate school.

Febuary 2019

Made an instrument practice helper

... to teach myself to play walking bass lines. It's a metronome/random chord generator/direction pointer. Maybe some else will also find it useful.

January 2019

Attended a workshop about Deep Learning and the Brain

... it was super interesting. Also Israeli food is lovely!

January 2019

Made a pretty new website for my band

...after we'd also decided on a name-change. Check it out here!

Dec 2018

Started Working on my PhD

... still in the field of vision science. Mostly I am working using bayesian parameter estimation to fit our biologically moticated model of eye movement.

September 2018

Learned about Bayesian Statistics

... at SMLP Summer School in Potsdam.

September 2018

Learned a ton of new programming skills

... and had an amazing time at ASPP Summer School in Camerino.

September 2018

Presented A Poster

... at ECVP 2018 conference in Trieste. My Poster basically summarizes my Master's thesis research.

August 2018

Got a Master's degree

... in cognitive science and Embodied Cognition. My thesis is about visual long-term memory and eye movement.

August 2018

Started a blog

...here, where I want to share some of the projects I'm working on.

November 2017

Got a Real Job

...as a researcher (and eventually PhD student) in this project. We will research and model eye movements during scene viewing.

September 2017

Presented my Research

...at ECEM 2017 Wuppertal and ECVP 2017 Berlin. Here's the poster I presented.

August 2017

Started Studying Cognitive Science and Embodied Cognition

...in a Master's program at Uni Potsdam.

Oct 2016

Completed my Bachelor Thesis

...titled Investigating the Central Fixation Bias

July 2016

Built this Little Tool

... for Image Annotation in the context of my work at uni. It allows the user to mark and annotate images and download a csv of the data.

July 2016

Learned about html, css and js

...by building this website.

Feb 2016

Recorded some Songs with my Band

...listen to them on Soundcloud:

Feb 2016

Enjoyed a Trip to the EJC

...the European Juggling convention, a 7 day fastival in the north of Italy.

August 2015

Built a Platform Bed from Scratch

...check it out on imgur.

April 2015

Started Working at the University

...in the Biopsychology Department. I'm a student research assistant and I program eye-tracking experiments in Matlab.

Oct. 2014

Started my BSc in Psychology

...at the University of Potsdam.

Oct. 2014

Worked on the film set of a Splatter Movie

...called The Key . It premiered in November of 2015. I mostly did lights but here's me helping out the zombies.

August 2013